I asked our CEO the other day, “What is the biggest negative, if any, of SEO?” This was his reply. ” You can do all the optimization you want but if the search engine does an update, the search engine you optimized for just gave you the middle finger… indirectly of course and you have to start all over again. It’s their search engine, they don’t need anyone’s permission to make the updates they want to make. They do it and we all have to respond. This is why our model is so effective because even when they do these updates to the organic algorithm our serving of ads is not affected. I wish people could grasp this. Did you ever think to yourself “If a company has used SEO and gained 1st page exposure, why do they need to continue their SEO efforts?” It’s because it is NOT guaranteed. You have to keep on doing it so the other companies cannot pass you. ” For more information about our services, please call us at 800-339-0544